Another day has come and gone,
And you are not at home;
I hope you’ve not gone far away,
And left me all alone;
I want to hear your laugh again,
So I can feel your presence;
You always meant so much to me,
And now you’ve gone into the heavens;
I know I’ll see you one day soon,
And I’ll be right by your side;
I’ll get to show my feelings again,
These feelings I’ve had to hide;
It gets so lonely without you,
And your voice cannot be heard;
But when I meet with you once again,
I’ll tell you so many words;
I appreciate the help you gave me,
And all that you ever did;
And if you were standing next to me,
My life wouldn’t be so hard to live;
Finally, I’ll get to see you,
Because soon, I’m coming home;
And there won’t be any more sadness,
Because now, I’m not alone.