Missing you is one thing,
But being with you is more;
And if you take the time and listen,
You’ll hear me knock at your heart’s door;
I want to live inside your heart,
And feel all that you feel;
I want to help you day by day,
And let me love help you to heal;
You are so very precious,
And so beautiful to me;
If you let me love you girl,
I’ll make your life so happily;
I just want you to know,
That I’m always here for you;
And no matter what does happen, girl,
You’ll know my love it is so true;
So if ever things do go wrong,
And your heart knows not where to go;
Take the time and you’ll believe,
That my love for you is so;
Remember this one thing I say to you,
I need to see you all day through;
Because when we are far apart,
Remember my love…I’ll be missing you.